View Profile CrayonParade

96 Movie Reviews

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There's something missing...

As always, great art, an excellent sense of atmosphere and you have the comic book style down pat. However, one thing this series needs is a basic understanding of animation. I thought at first the animation was a little lacking because perhaps you were going for more of a lesser animated featurette to compliment the comic book aesthetic. This movie however has attempts at heavily animated scenes that fall really short of the bar.

A higher framerate would be nice and a lot more flexibility in the characters would ease it up enough so that the animation is at least digestable.


Greatest Newgrounds submission ever.


7/10/2004 Never Forget.


And so the battle on Newgrounds for artistic integrity continues....


Greek history to the tune of "Fucking in the Bushes"? Aw come on, this movie had so much potential!

The voice acting was excellent. I suppose the Dutch works fine, better than if it was in English.

You also know how to work the frame to make some really cinematic looking shots. That's a plus.

But geez, the music brought all the drama and suspense away from this movie. Try listening to some older and more obscure film scores and use one of those next time.


Oh dear Weebl, how long are we supposed to sit there and watch the same graphics loop?

Well, I suppose that's what you're best at anyway.


The Newgrounds community will never fully understand this Flash.

I love your work.


It feels like I'm dying and I'm seeing that white light and Siddhartha Gautama comes out of nowhere and tells me to love all sentient beings.

That's what this was.


Finally something of merit makes the front page. Congratulations man.


This Flash had a style that most other Flash lack. It will never get the appreciation here that it truly deserves.

c @CrayonParade

Age 94, Male

Joined on 9/27/00

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